Tuesday, June 17, 2008

On Your Honor, You Will Bike

Walking around Rome these past few weeks, I noticed some road work--or what appeared to be road work--where short, metal posts encompassing lots of colorful wires were being run into the ground in long rows. Two-ish days ago, I finally found out what the deal was. Rome has implemented a bike-sharing program, and oh, how I wish I could join (but alas, I leave in about ten days). The bikes are bright red (and super shiny at this point in their lifetime) with an all important basket in the front. I do enjoy walking and busing in Rome, but a bike would be a great option in a pinch, and with a bike-share program, can pick one up at various locations throughout the city whenever the mood strikes or it somehow becomes necessary. In the process of researching Roma'n'Bike online, I found a bike-sharing blog out of Washington, D.C. that recently posted some details (and a great photo of VIPs in suits on bikes), so I'll just link to it here.

1 comment:

Rick Mazzotta said...


I really enjoyed viewing your blog.

You no doubt have excellent communication skills.

The very best to you with your career.

Rick Mazzotta--